Youthonomics 6

Youthonomics 6
SANEM has been organizing a writing competition for the youth since April of this year. In this competition, SANEM calls for write-ups from university students on important national and international issues related to Economics where winners are awarded prizes and certificates. SANEM will publish the best writeups in its blog.
Topic: The topic of the sixth episode is- “Diversification of Export Basket: Prospects and Challenges for Bangladesh”. Trade is essential for robust growth. However, to strengthen the trade regime of Bangladesh, it is necessary to diversify the export basket of Bangladesh. It is being increasingly realized that without export diversification, Bangladesh’s growth projectile would face serious obstacles. But, has the country developed the structural capacities to accommodate diversification ventures? What are the challenges and prospects?
• Eligibility Criteria: University students enrolled in an Honor’s or Master’s level course is eligible to participate in this competition.
• Language: Students can send their write-ups in either Bangla or English.
• Word Limit: 1000-2000 words (Including the references).
• Structure: The submissions need to follow the following structure:
1. Title of the Essay
2. Name of the Writer
3. Introduction
4. The main body of Analysis: The analysis part can be divided into separate parts as per the preference of the writer. Tables, charts, pictures etc. can be used. Economic theories should be used in the analysis.
5. Conclusion
• In the mail body, the name, mobile number, e-mail address, year, department and university must be mentioned.
• The write up has to be sent in both MS Word and PDF format.
• Sources and references need to be cited properly in the write-up.
• Caution: Copying or plagiarizing will result in the disqualification of the participant from the contest. They will not be considered for future competitions of SANEM.
Event link: